Nagios can monitor anything you can script. If there isn’t a plugin for it, 
write it yourself, it’s really not hard. I’d go for icinga by the way, which is 
more actively maintained than nagios. 

On Jul 23, 2014, at 3:07 PM, pragya jain <> wrote:

> Hi all,
> I am studying nagios for monitoring ceph features.
> different plugins of nagios monitor ceph cluster health, o0sd status, monitor 
> status etc.
> My questions are:
> * Does Nagios monitor ceph for cluster, pool and each PG for 
> - CPU utilization
> - memory utilization
> - Network Utilization
> - total storage capacity, storage capacity used, storage capacity remaining 
> etc.
> * Does Nagios monitor ceph for drive configuration, Bad sectors/ fragmented 
> disk, Co-resident monitors/OSDs, Co-resident processes, Kernel version, 
> Mounted filesystem for each OSD?
> Please help me to find out the answers of my questions
> Regards
> Pragya Jain
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