(taking this back to ceph-users, not sure why I posted to ceph-devel?)

Thanks for the info, I sent them a message to inquire about access.
In the meantime, the mirror is already synchronized (sync every 4 hours) and 
available on http://mirror.iweb.ca or directly on http://ceph.mirror.iweb.ca.

David Moreau Simard

On Jul 17, 2014, at 5:21 AM, Wido den Hollander 
<w...@42on.com<mailto:w...@42on.com>> wrote:

On 07/16/2014 09:48 PM, David Moreau Simard wrote:

Thanks for making this available.
I am currently synchronizing off of it and will make it available on our 4 Gbps 
mirror on the Canadian east coast by the end of this week.

Cool! More mirrors is always better.

Are you able to share how you are synchronizing from the Ceph repositories ?
It would probably be better for us to synchronize from the source rather than 
the Europe mirror.

I have a SSH account into the ceph.com<http://ceph.com/> server and use that to 
sync the packages. I've set this up the the community guys Ross and Patrick, 
you might want to ping them.

There is no official distribution mechanism for this right now. I simply set up 
a rsyncd to provide this the community.


David Moreau Simard

On Apr 9, 2014, at 2:04 AM, Wido den Hollander 
<w...@42on.com<mailto:w...@42on.com>> wrote:


I just enabled rsync on the eu.ceph.com<http://eu.ceph.com> mirror.

eu.ceph.com<http://eu.ceph.com> mirrors from Ceph.com<http://Ceph.com> every 3 

Feel free to rsync all the contents to your local environment, might be useful
for some large deployments where you want to save external bandwidth by not
having each machine fetch the Deb/RPM packages from the internet.

Rsync is available over IPv4 and IPv6, simply sync with this command:
$ mkdir cephmirror
$ rsync -avr --stats --progress eu.ceph.com<http://eu.ceph.com>::ceph cephmirror

I ask you all to be gentle. It's a free service, so don't start hammering the
server by setting your Cron to sync every 5 minutes. Once every couple of hours
should be sufficient.

Also, please don't all start syncing at the first minute of the hour. When
setting up the Cron, select a random minute from the hour. This way the load on
the system can be spread out.

Should you have any questions or issues, let me know!

Wido den Hollander
42on B.V.
Ceph trainer and consultant
ceph-users mailing list

Wido den Hollander
Ceph consultant and trainer
42on B.V.

Phone: +31 (0)20 700 9902
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