Le 16/07/2014 22:40, Gregory Farnum a écrit :
On Wed, Jul 16, 2014 at 6:21 AM, Pierre BLONDEAU
<pierre.blond...@unicaen.fr> wrote:

After the repair process, i have :
1926 active+clean
    2 active+clean+inconsistent

This two PGs seem to be on the same osd ( #34 ):
# ceph pg dump | grep inconsistent
dumped all in format plain
0.2e    4       0       0       0       8388660 4       4
active+clean+inconsistent       2014-07-16 11:39:43.819631      9463'4
438411:133968   [34,4]  34      [34,4]  34      9463'4  2014-07-16
04:52:54.417333      9463'4  2014-07-11 09:29:22.041717
0.1ed   5       0       0       0       8388623 10      10
active+clean+inconsistent       2014-07-16 11:39:45.820142      9712'10
438411:144792   [34,2]  34      [34,2]  34      9712'10 2014-07-16
09:12:44.742488      9712'10 2014-07-10 21:57:11.345241

It's can explain why my MDS won't to start ? If i remove ( or shutdown )
this OSD, it's can solved my problem ?

You want to figure out why they're inconsistent (if they're still
going inconsistent, or maybe just need to be repaired), but this
shouldn't be causing your MDS troubles.
Can you dump the MDS journal and put it somewhere accessible? (You can
use ceph-post-file to upload it.) John has been trying to reproduce
this crash but hasn't succeeded yet.
Software Engineer #42 @ http://inktank.com | http://ceph.com


I try to do :
cephfs-journal-tool journal export ceph-journal.bin 2> cephfs-journal-tool.log

But the program crash. I upload log file : e069c6ac-3cb4-4a52-8950-da7c600e2b01

There is a mistake in http://ceph.com/docs/master/cephfs/cephfs-journal-tool/ in "Example: journal inspect". The good syntax seems to be :
# cephfs-journal-tool  journal inspect
2014-07-17 00:54:14.155382 7ff89d239780 -1 Header is invalid (inconsistent offsets)
Overall journal integrity: DAMAGED
Header could not be decoded


Administrateur Systèmes & réseaux
Université de Caen
Laboratoire GREYC, Département d'informatique

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