
> We actually saw a decrease in memory usage after upgrading to Firefly,
> though we did reboot the nodes after the upgrade while we had the
> maintenance window. This is with 216 OSDs total (32-40 per node):
> http://i.imgur.com/BC7RuXJ.png

Interesting. Is that cluster for RBD or RGW ?  My RBD OSDs are a bit
better behaved but still had this 25% bump in mem usage ...

Here the memory pretty much just grows continually.

This is the log over the last year.


At the very beginning (~250M per process) those OSD were empty, just
added. Then we changed the crushmap to map all the RGW pools we have
to them, then it just grows slowly with a bump at pretty much each

And this is a pretty small pool of OSDs, for theses there is only 8
OSD processes over 4 nodes, storing barely 1 To in 2.5 millions
objects, split into 7 pools and 5376 PGs (some pools have size=3,
other size=2)

1.5 Go per OSD process seems a bit big to me.


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