I was having some problem with my mds getting stick in 'rejoin' state on a 
dumpling install so I did a dist-upgrade on my installation, thinking it would 
install a later dumpling, and got landed with firefly, which is now in Debian 
Jessie. That resolved the mds problem but introduced a problem of its own...

I have 4 physical boxes each running 2 OSD's. I needed to retire one so I set 
the 2 OSD's on it to 'out' and everything went as expected. Then I noticed that 
'ceph health' was reporting that my crush map had legacy tunables. The release 
notes told me I needed to do 'ceph osd crush tunables optimal' to fix this, and 
I wasn't running any old kernel clients, so I made it so. Shortly after that, 
my OSD's started dying until only one remained. I eventually figured out that 
they would stay up until I started the OSD's on the 'out' node. I hadn't made 
the connection to the tunables until I turned up an old mailing list post, but 
sure enough setting the tunables back to legacy got everything stable again. I 
assume that the churn introduced by 'optimal' resulted in the situation where 
the 'out' node stored the only copy of some data, because there were down pgs 
until I got all the OSD's running again

Anyway, after all that dust settled, I now have 5 pgs inconsistent from scrub 
errors (it was 4 when I started writing this email... I assume more will be 
found). Is there a way I can find out what rbd(s?) they belong to before I 
repair them?



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