
Some pg remains in the "peering" after upgrade to firefly.
All pg seem to be on the same OSD ( 16 ). You can view the file.

I tried to stop this OSD, but when i did, some PG becomes inactive.

How can i do ?


Administrateur Systèmes & réseaux
Université de Caen
Laboratoire GREYC, Département d'informatique

tel     : 02 31 56 75 42
bureau  : Campus 2, Science 3, 406
# ceph pg dump | grep peering
dumped all in format plain
0.183   11983   0       0       0       10427139093     3001    3001    peering 
2014-06-19 20:02:14.336102      7272'38060      9443:205684     [16,21] 16      
[16,21] 16      7272'38060      2014-06-18 11:14:44.256675      7272'38060    
2014-06-15 09:00:51.503603
0.17d   11781   0       0       0       10069345173     3002    3002    peering 
2014-06-19 20:17:55.111756      9363'37428      9443:154364     [16,1]  16      
[16,1]  16      7272'37427      2014-06-18 08:09:28.789890      7272'37427    
2014-06-18 08:09:28.789890
0.a4    11802   0       0       0       10197325776     3001    3001    peering 
2014-06-19 18:58:30.358562      7272'37300      9443:154382     [16,7]  16      
[16,7]  16      7272'37300      2014-06-17 20:11:47.525174      7272'37300    
2014-06-16 17:41:53.331833
0.4c    11924   0       0       0       10143098090     3002    3002    peering 
2014-06-19 18:54:53.964913      9403'38144      9443:145595     [16,25] 16      
[16,25] 16      7272'38143      2014-06-18 09:52:08.198845      7272'38143    
2014-06-14 06:48:08.792218
0.6e8   11737   0       0       0       10003845159     3003    3003    peering 
2014-06-19 18:10:04.675405      9070'37041      9443:139424     [16,0]  16      
[16,0]  16      7815'37040      2014-06-18 01:48:24.490826      7272'37039    
2014-06-16 21:05:49.085204
0.6cb   12133   0       0       0       10401273250     3001    3001    peering 
2014-06-19 19:45:45.549566      7272'38338      9443:157345     [16,2]  16      
[16,2]  16      7272'38338      2014-06-18 09:20:22.852169      7272'38338    
2014-06-14 04:29:41.282777
0.605   11739   0       0       0       10457751036     3002    3002    peering 
2014-06-19 18:39:24.262705      9403'36957      9443:150978     [16,23] 16      
[16,23] 16      7272'36956      2014-06-18 08:48:23.483915      7272'36956    
2014-06-14 03:21:45.419081
0.5d7   11780   0       0       0       10069556805     3001    3001    peering 
2014-06-19 19:23:04.636194      7272'37647      9443:141532     [16,7]  16      
[16,7]  16      7272'37647      2014-06-17 11:06:55.623203      7272'37647    
2014-06-15 10:28:18.834868
0.52d   11933   0       0       0       9987516970      3003    3003    peering 
2014-06-19 20:03:51.966678      8140'37995      9443:141404     [16,9]  16      
[16,9]  16      7910'37994      2014-06-17 20:00:29.459131      7272'37993    
2014-06-15 16:40:55.982749
0.4b2   11983   0       0       0       10051670129     3001    3001    peering 
2014-06-19 18:58:54.192528      7272'37626      9443:139692     [16,10] 16      
[16,10] 16      7272'37626      2014-06-18 03:30:02.698832      7272'37626    
2014-06-16 23:14:07.622190
0.48a   11956   0       0       0       10128500386     3001    3001    peering 
2014-06-19 20:19:09.503945      7272'37701      9443:175908     [16,1]  16      
[16,1]  16      7272'37701      2014-06-18 09:10:22.653136      7272'37701    
2014-06-14 04:13:54.103455
0.374   24030   0       0       0       20635805936     3006    3006    peering 
2014-06-19 19:02:57.694534      9403'75637      9443:341986     [16,18] 16      
[16,18] 16      7815'75633      2014-06-18 03:22:06.559734      7272'75632    
2014-06-16 22:37:43.670052
0.373   24267   0       0       0       20721317362     3001    3001    peering 
2014-06-19 18:31:21.671566      7272'77231      9443:298500     [16,24] 16      
[16,24] 16      7272'77231      2014-06-18 04:18:57.258497      7272'77231    
2014-06-18 04:18:57.258497
0.36e   23767   0       0       0       19873454495     3001    3001    peering 
2014-06-19 20:16:31.483342      7272'75823      9443:402552     [16,3]  16      
[16,3]  16      7272'75823      2014-06-17 20:48:31.470419      7272'75823    
2014-06-16 20:06:44.687559
0.331   23751   0       0       0       19725402006     3001    3001    peering 
2014-06-19 19:52:01.676693      7272'74947      9443:349176     [16,18] 16      
[16,18] 16      7272'74947      2014-06-18 01:58:06.619495      7272'74947    
2014-06-16 21:25:09.111350
0.2eb   12029   0       0       0       10156848656     3001    3001    peering 
2014-06-19 19:38:01.638117      7272'37893      9443:147549     [16,6]  16      
[16,6]  16      7272'37893      2014-06-18 02:06:36.900841      7272'37893    
2014-06-16 21:31:37.370617
0.2a9   11882   0       0       0       10149455357     3001    3001    peering 
2014-06-19 20:01:16.604454      7272'37768      9443:175913     [16,26] 16      
[16,26] 16      7272'37768      2014-06-17 19:33:51.354529      7272'37768    
2014-06-15 16:29:12.220654
0.294   11862   0       0       0       9921847755      3001    3001    peering 
2014-06-19 19:05:14.607815      7272'37842      9443:178451     [16,24] 16      
[16,24] 16      7272'37842      2014-06-18 09:39:56.648749      7272'37842    
2014-06-14 05:38:18.045053
0.23d   11898   0       0       0       9810981834      3003    3003    peering 
2014-06-19 19:53:28.220134      9403'37743      9443:133657     [16,1]  16      
[16,1]  16      7272'37741      2014-06-18 06:50:03.185071      7272'37741    
2014-06-18 06:50:03.185071

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