On 19/06/2014 18:17, Pavel V. Kaygorodov wrote:
> Hi!
> I want to make erasure-coded pool with k=3 and m=3. Also, I want to 
> distribute data between two hosts, having 3 osd from host1 and 3 from host2.
> I have created a ruleset:
> rule ruleset_3_3 {
>         ruleset 0
>         type replicated
>         min_size 6
>         max_size 6
>         step take host1
>         step chooseleaf firstn 3 type osd
>         step emit
>         step take host2
>         step chooseleaf firstn 3 type osd
>         step emit
> }


I suggest you test the ruleset created with crushtool to check if what comes 
out of it is what you expect. It's quite convenient to use multiple of 10 to 
visually match the result. For instance 

    crushtool -o /tmp/t.map --num_osds 500 --build node straw 10 datacenter 
straw 10 root straw 0

then you can

    crushtool -c /tmp/t.txt -o /tmp/t.map ; crushtool -i /tmp/t.map 
--show-bad-mappings --show-statistics --test --rule 1 --x 1 --num-rep 12
This is the general idea and you can find details about this in the crushtool 
help and the test scripts at


for instance


which shows what happens when there is a "bad mapping", i.e. the crushmap could 
not be used to get the number of OSD you want. This is most probably why pg get 


> I have created an erasure code profile:
> ceph osd erasure-code-profile set def33 k=3 m=3
> I have created a pool:
> ceph osd pool create images 2048 2048 erasure def33 ruleset_3_3
> Now I see 2048 pgs permanently in "creating" state.
> What is wrong?
> Pavel.
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Loïc Dachary, Artisan Logiciel Libre

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