On Thu, Jun 19, 2014 at 6:32 AM, Dieter Scholz <rd-d...@gmx.net> wrote:
> Hello,
>> at the moment I'm trying to create a small test cluster with Ceph Firefly.
>> I
>> followed the documentation and everything works as expected. But when I
>> try
>> to start the Ceph daemons on the individual OSD-machines using the init
>> scripts nothing happens.No daemon is started. No error message on the
>> console. No entries in the log files.
>> If I manually start the daemons on the command line the OSDs come up as
>> expected and the cluster is healthy. My configuration file looks like the
>> one in the documentation.
>> What's the clue with the Debian init scripts? Can you help me?
> I tried the ceph packages from jessie, too. After some time penetrating
> Google I think I found the solution. This will probably work for all package
> sources.
> You have to create an empty marker file named 'sysvinit' in the directories
> below /var/lib/ceph/XXX. Then everythink works fine.

ceph-deploy will create those files for you depending on the init
system for the monitors:

$ ls /var/lib/ceph/mon/ceph-node1/
done  keyring  store.db  upstart
$ cat /etc/issue
Ubuntu 12.04 LTS \n \l

And the same would happen for OSDs (upstart file is there):
$ ls /var/lib/ceph/osd/ceph-0/
activate.monmap  active  ceph_fsid  current  fsid  journal  keyring
magic  ready  store_version  superblock  upstart  whoami

The output in ceph-deploy that tells you what init system will be used is this:

[ceph_deploy.osd][INFO  ] Distro info: Ubuntu 12.04 precise
[ceph_deploy.osd][DEBUG ] activating host node1 disk /home/vagrant/foo
[ceph_deploy.osd][DEBUG ] will use init type: upstart

Can you share your ceph-deploy output as you are deploying your OSDs?

And maybe once the OSDs are created, the contents of the OSD dir?
> Perhaps this should be mentioned in the docs. Should I file a bug?
> Thanks for your help.
> Dieter
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