Alright, thanks! :)

Kind Regards,
David Majchrzak

13 jun 2014 kl. 11:21 skrev Wido den Hollander <>:

> On 06/13/2014 11:18 AM, David wrote:
>> Thanks Wido,
>> So during no out data will be degraded but not resynced, which won’t 
>> interrupt operations ( running default 3 replicas and a normal map, so each 
>> osd node only has 1 replica of the data)
>> Do we need to do anything after bringing the node up again or will it 
>> resynch automatically?
> Correct. The OSDs will be marked as down, so that will cause the PGs to go 
> into a degraded state, but they will stay marked as "in", not triggering data 
> re-distribution.
> You don't have to do anything. Just let the machine and OSDs boot and Ceph 
> will take care of the rest (assuming it's all configured properly).
> Afterwards unset the noout flag.
> Wido
>> Kind Regards,
>> David Majchrzak
>> 13 jun 2014 kl. 11:13 skrev Wido den Hollander <>:
>>> On 06/13/2014 10:56 AM, David wrote:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> We’re going to take down one OSD node for maintenance (add cpu + ram) 
>>>> which might take 10-20 minutes.
>>>> What’s the best practice here in a production cluster running dumpling 
>>>> 0.67.7-1~bpo70+1?
>>> I suggest:
>>> $ ceph osd set noout
>>> This way NO OSD will be marked as out and prevent data re-distribution.
>>> After the OSDs are back up and synced:
>>> $ ceph osd unset noout
>>>> Kind Regards,
>>>> David Majchrzak
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>>>> ceph-users mailing list
>>> --
>>> Wido den Hollander
>>> 42on B.V.
>>> Phone: +31 (0)20 700 9902
>>> Skype: contact42on
>>> _______________________________________________
>>> ceph-users mailing list
> -- 
> Wido den Hollander
> 42on B.V.
> Phone: +31 (0)20 700 9902
> Skype: contact42on

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