On 03/06/14 02:24, Mark Nelson wrote:
> It's kind of a tough call.  Your observations regarding the downsides of 
> using NFS with RBD are apt.  You could try throwing another distributed 
> storage system on top of RBD and use Ceph for the replication/etc, but 
> that's not really ideal either.  CephFS is relatively stable with 
> active/standby MDS configurations, but it may still have bugs and there 
> are no guarantees or official support (yet!).

The big thorn in the side here is when people on Windows clients want to
effectively access CephFS.  I'm not sure if there's a Win32 port of FUSE
that cephfs-fuse could be ported to.  So until then you're stuck with
trying to cluster Samba or putting up with a bottleneck/single

I understand that for CephFS: the officially supported configuration is
a single MDS where as MDS HA is a work in progress.  At the time when I
was setting up our Ceph cluster, CephFS was considered experimental even
though in testing it seemed to be working fine, so I left that bit out
of the production cluster, figuring I'd add it later.

If I deploy an MDS, and that machine goes down, is it
possible/sufficient to deploy a MDS to another node to get back up and
running without data loss?
Stuart Longland
Systems Engineer
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