Over the last two days, I set up ceph on a set of ubuntu 12.04 VMs (my
first time working with ceph), and it seems to be working fine (I have
HEALTH_OK, and can create a test document via the rados commandline tool),
but *I can't authenticate with the swift API*.

I followed the quickstart guides to get ceph and radosgw installed. (Listed
here, if you want to check my work: http://pastebin.com/nfPWCn9P )

Visiting the root of the web server *shows the ListAllMyBucketsResult XML*,
as expected, but trying to authenticate always gives me *"403 Forbidden"

Here's the output of "radosgw-admin user info --uid=hive_cache":
And here's my curl invocation: http://pastebin.com/EfQ8nw8a

Any ideas on what might be wrong?

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