On 5/30/14 03:08 , Ta Ba Tuan wrote:
Dear all,
I'm using Firefly. One disk was false, I replated failure disk and start that osd.
But that osd 's still down.

Help me,
Thank you

You need to re-initialize the disk after replacing it. Ceph stores cluster information on the disk, and ceph-osd needs that information to start. The process is pretty much removing the osd, then adding it again.

This blog walks you through the details: http://karan-mj.blogspot.com/2014/03/admin-guide-replacing-failed-disk-in.html

Or you can search through the mailing list for "replace osd" for more discussions.


*Craig Lewis*
Senior Systems Engineer
Office +1.714.602.1309
Email cle...@centraldesktop.com <mailto:cle...@centraldesktop.com>

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