On 5/22/14 00:26 , Craig Lewis wrote:
On 5/21/14 21:15 , Sage Weil wrote:
On Wed, 21 May 2014, Craig Lewis wrote:
If you do this over IRC, can you please post a summary to the mailling
I believe I'm having this issue as well.
In the other case, we found that some of the OSDs were behind processing
maps (by several thousand epochs). The trick here to give them a chance
to catch up is
ceph osd set noup
ceph osd set nodown
ceph osd set noout
and wait for them to stop spinning on the CPU. You can check which map
each OSD is on with
ceph daemon osd.NNN status
to see which epoch they are on and compare that to
ceph osd stat
Once they are within 100 or less epochs,
ceph osd unset noup
and let them all start up.
We haven't determined whether the original problem was caused by this or
the other way around; we'll see once they are all caught up.
I was seeing the CPU spinning too, so I think it is the same issue.
Thanks for the explanation! I've been pulling my hair out for weeks.
This process solved my problem, with one caveat. When I followed it, I
filled up /var/log/ceph/ and the recovery failed. I had to manually run
each OSD in debugging mode until it completed the map update. Aside
from that, I followed your procedure.
After that, I was able to start everything normally, and the cluster
recovered within a couple of hours.
This has been keeping me awake at night. So far, it only happened to my
slave cluster. I've been living in dread of seeing this happen to my
master cluster. Now I know why the master cluster has been safe. When
my master cluster had problems, I intervened quickly (usually rebooting
the node). When the slave had problems, I fixed it in the morning.
That extra delay was enough time to cause this issue.
Thank you!
*Craig Lewis*
Senior Systems Engineer
Office +1.714.602.1309
Email cle...@centraldesktop.com <mailto:cle...@centraldesktop.com>
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