On 5/13/14 09:33 , Adrian Banasiak wrote:
Thanks for sugestion with admin daemon but it looks like single osd oriented. I have used perf dump on mon socket and it output some interesting data in case of monitoring whole cluster:
{ "cluster": { "num_mon": 4,
      "num_mon_quorum": 4,
      "num_osd": 29,
      "num_osd_up": 29,
      "num_osd_in": 29,
      "osd_epoch": 1872,
      "osd_kb": 20218112516,
      "osd_kb_used": 5022202696,
      "osd_kb_avail": 15195909820,
      "num_pool": 4,
      "num_pg": 3500,
      "num_pg_active_clean": 3500,
      "num_pg_active": 3500,
      "num_pg_peering": 0,
      "num_object": 400746,
      "num_object_degraded": 0,
      "num_object_unfound": 0,
      "num_bytes": 1678788329609,
      "num_mds_up": 0,
      "num_mds_in": 0,
      "num_mds_failed": 0,
      "mds_epoch": 1},

Unfortunately cluster wide IO statistics are still missing.

I'm getting cluster wide OPs and Bandwidth from ceph pg stat -f json. I'm using this section:
  "pg_stats_delta": {
"stat_sum": {
"num_bytes": 0,
          "num_objects": 31851793,
          "num_object_clones": 0,
          "num_object_copies": 100208267,
          "num_objects_missing_on_primary": 0,
          "num_objects_degraded": 4687903,
          "num_objects_unfound": 0,
          "num_read": 315072058,
          "num_read_kb": 55549447422,
          "num_write": 223701235,
          "num_write_kb": 20457441876,
          "num_scrub_errors": 0,
          "num_shallow_scrub_errors": 0,
          "num_deep_scrub_errors": 0,
          "num_objects_recovered": 74138172,
          "num_bytes_recovered": 62776621391330,
          "num_keys_recovered": 1129447173},
      "stat_cat_sum": {},
      "log_size": 7191821,
      "ondisk_log_size": 7191821},

I'm tracking num_write, num_write_kb, num_read, and num_read_kb. Although I see some other things that I should be tracking too....

Those values appear to be counters, so you probably want to track the change from the previous sample rather than the absolute value.


*Craig Lewis*
Senior Systems Engineer
Office +1.714.602.1309
Email cle...@centraldesktop.com <mailto:cle...@centraldesktop.com>

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