On 05/13/2014 05:49 PM, Kyle Bader wrote:
>> TL;DR: Power outages are more common than your colo facility will admit.
> Seconded. I've seen power failures in at least 4 different facilities
> and all of them had the usual gamut of batteries/generators/etc. Some
> of those facilities I've seen problems multiple times in a single
> year.

We have (as long we're swapping horror stories) a building here with
redundant power feeds from 2 different substations. Since you can't have
both actually connected to each other, there is a room with Very Big
Switch in it. In case of maintenance shutdown on one side, somebody must
manually throw the switch.

The first time powerco had to do maintenance it turned out nobody there
knew they needed to call the building first. Which was just as well
since nobody in the building knew to take that call. Or was certified to
throw that switch.

Dimitri Maziuk
BioMagResBank, UW-Madison -- http://www.bmrb.wisc.edu

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