Thanks for the info. I was erring to less pools but using software that does 
not share pools very well seem to put a spanner in the works at the time. I 
think we will work on making it more RBD friendly



On 12 May 2014, at 19:53, McNamara, Bradley <> 

> The formula was designed to be used on a per-pool basis.  Having said that, 
> though, when looking at the number of PG’s from a system-wide perspective, 
> one does not want too many total PG’s.  So, it’s a balancing act, and it has 
> been suggested that it’s better to have slightly more PG’s than you need, but 
> not too many.
> From: ceph-users [] On Behalf Of 
> Pieter Koorts
> Sent: Monday, May 12, 2014 5:21 AM
> To:
> Subject: [ceph-users] CEPH placement groups and pool sizes
> Hi,
> Been doing some reading on the CEPH documentation and just wanted to clarify 
> if anyone knows the (approximate) correct PG's for CEPH.
> What I mean is lets say I have created one pool with 4096 placement groups. 
> Now instead of one pool I want two so if I were to create 2 pools instead 
> would it be still 4096 placement groups per pool or would I divide it between 
> the pools (e.g. 2048 pg per pool)
> On a side note, per pool is that a recommended maximum of data before turning 
> over to a new pool?
> Regards
> Pieter

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