
Before removing the rules, modify all pools to use the same crus rule with
the following command.

ceph osd pool set pool-name crush_ruleset n

Pool-name is the name of the pool
N is the rule number you wish to keep

And this will make sure your cluster remains healthy.

My 2 cts

Sent from a mobile terminal

On Tuesday, May 6, 2014, Cao, Buddy <buddy....@intel.com> wrote:

>  Hi,
> After I setup ceph cluster thru mkcephfs, there are 3 default pools named
> metadata/data/rbd. And I notice that the 3 default pools assign to ruleset
> 0,1,2 respectively.  What if I refresh the crushmap with only 1 ruleset?
>  It means there are at least two default pools would have no corresponding
> rulesets. Will stuck unclean pgs or other odd status come?
> Wei Cao (Buddy)

Sent while moving
Pardon my French and any spelling &| grammar glitches
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