It looks like the OSD is expecting a file to be there, and it is, but
it's incorrectly empty or something. Did you lose power to the node?
Have you run fsck on the local filesystem?
Software Engineer #42 @ |

On Tue, Apr 29, 2014 at 3:05 AM, <> wrote:
> Hi cephers,
> I had some problem for my OSDs.
> One of my OSD has down, and could not start again now. The OSD's Log file I
> have upload to the e-mail attachments.
> What's wrong whit my OSD, and How can I start it?
> The ceph status like :
> HEALTH_ERR 1025 pgs backfill; 17 pgs backfilling; 350 pgs degraded; 2 pgs
> down; 3 pgs incomplete; 1 pgs inconsistent; 6 pgs recovering; 346 pgs
> recovery_wait; 3 pgs stuck inactive; 1455 pgs stuck unclean; 105 requests
> are blocked > 32 sec; 2 osds have slow requests; recovery 1738521/7698075
> objects degraded (22.584%); 45/2268569 unfound (0.002%); 57 scrub errors;
> noout flag(s) set
> pg 92.6 is stuck inactive for 78544.478951, current state down+incomplete,
> last acting [41,37,28]
> pg 90.8 is stuck inactive for 78564.927317, current state down+incomplete,
> last acting [41,37,28]
> pg 49.6 is stuck inactive since forever, current state incomplete, last
> acting [35,21,41]
> pg 92.6 is stuck unclean for 78544.488784, current state down+incomplete,
> last acting [41,37,28]
> pg 90.8 is stuck unclean for 78564.937227, current state down+incomplete,
> last acting [41,37,28]
> pg 49.6 is stuck unclean since forever, current state incomplete, last
> acting [35,21,41]
> pg 92.6 is down+incomplete, acting [41,37,28]
> pg 90.8 is down+incomplete, acting [41,37,28]
> pg 49.6 is incomplete, acting [35,21,41]
> How can I fix these pgs? And if I have this pg in the old OSD, can I fix it
> by this old pg?
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