Monitor keys don't change; I think something else must be going on. Did you
remove any of their stores? Are the local filesystems actually correct

The ceph-create-keys is a red herring and will stop as soon as. The
monitors do get into a quorum.

On Tuesday, April 29, 2014, Marc <> wrote:

> Hi,
> still working on a troubled ceph cluster running .61.2-1raring
> consisting of (currently) 4 monitors a,b,c,g with g being a newly added
> monitor that failed/fails to sync up, so consider that one down. Now mon
> a and b died because for some (currently unknown) reason linux created a
> core dump on the root partition (/core) that filled up the partition to
> 0b left and consequently the mons died. Now I tried restarting them, but
> they they seem deadlocked in the following situation:
> the corresponding ceph-mon.X logs show various errors about cephx like
> "cephx: verify_authorizer could not decrypt ticket info: error: NSS AES
> final round failed: -8190"
> "cephx: verify_reply coudln't decrypt with error: error decoding block
> for decryption"
> I can see that the /usr/sbin/ceph-create-keys process is stuck (based on
> the fact that its still running 20 minutes later). Manually running this
> says:
> INFO:ceph-create-keys:ceph-mon is not in quorum: u'probing'
> So, the monitors dont start up (stuck probing) because they cant
> communicate because they need new keys, and the keys cannot be generated
> because theres no quorum. Is there a way to fix this?
> Kind regards,
> Marc
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