On Sun, Apr 27, 2014 at 7:24 AM, Cedric Lemarchand <ced...@yipikai.org> wrote:
> Hi rAn,
> Le 27/04/2014 13:13, rAn rAnn a écrit :
> Thanks all
> Im trying to deploy from node1(the admin node) to the new node via the
> command " ceph-deploy install node2".
> I have coppied the two main repositories (noarc and x86-64) to my  secure
> site and I have encountered the folowing warnings and errors;
> [node2][warnin] http://ceph.com/rmp-emperor/e16/x86_64/repodata/repomd.xml:
> Errno 14 PYCURL ERROR 6 -"couldn't resolve host 'ceph.com'"
> [node2][warnin] ERROR: Cannot retrive repository metadata [repomd.xml] for
> repository: ceph. please verify its path and try again
> [node2][ERROR] RuntimeError: Failed to execute command yum -y -q install
> ceph
> Anyone have an idea?

For the past few versions, ceph-deploy has a few options for
installation without internet access.

If you have a ceph repo mirror you could tell ceph-deploy to install
from that url (you will need to pass
in the gpg key url too). For example:

ceph-deploy install --repo-url {http mirror} --gpg-url {http gpg url} {host}

> ceph-deploy tools remotely 'pilot' the ceph installation and configuration
> on the specified node, including package installation, thus you still need
> an internet access for the installation parts, which is why pycurl (and then
> yum) complains.
> Possible solutions could be :
> - as Eric state it, create a local mirror of the remote package repository
> (don't know if it's an easy task ...), and configure your OS to use it.
> - download and install all the necessary packages and dependency on nodes
> before using ceph-deploy, thus you will profit of the local packages cache
> for every operations.
> Cheers
> Cédric
> בתאריך 27 באפר 2014 14:02, "xan.peng" <xanp...@gmail.com> כתב:
>> On Sat, Apr 26, 2014 at 7:16 PM, rAn rAnn <ran.sh...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> > hi, Im on a site with no access to the internet and Im trying to install
>> > ceph
>> > during the installation it tries to download files from the internet and
>> > then I get an error
>> > I tried to download the files and make my own repository, also i have
>> > changed the installation code to point to a different path but it still
>> > keeps trying to access the internet
>> > has anyone managed to install ceph on a secure site or maybe someone has
>> > an
>> > idea or a way to install it
>> > thanks in advance.
>> >
>> You can always install ceph by compiling the source code. However this
>> half-done
>> project (https://github.com/xanpeng/ceph-tools/tree/master/deploy-ceph)
>> may help.
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> Cédric
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