17 апр. 2014 г., в 16:41, Wido den Hollander <w...@42on.com> написал(а):

> On 04/17/2014 02:37 PM, Pavel V. Kaygorodov wrote:
>> Hi!
>> How do you think, is it a good idea, to add RBD block device as a hot spare 
>> drive to a linux software raid?
> Well, it could work, but why? What is the total setup going to be?
> RAID over a couple of physical disks with RBD as hotspare?

Yes. If it works, it can reduce overall cost of disk subsystem, because I can 
use all physical drives for raid on each host, and add RBD hot spares, which 
(due to thin provisioning) will not consume any real space until hot spares 
become active.


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