This is a standard feature of logs in Unix. The radosgw process has a filehandle for the log file, and continues to write to that filehandle after you move or delete the log. If you rename the log, you'll notice the log keeps growing.

If you move or delete the log, you need to tell radosgw that you've done so. If you run service radosgw reload, radosgw will recreate it's log file.

In general though, you shouldn't be messing with the logs directly. If they're taking up too much disk space, reduce the logging level, or adjust the logrotated schedule. If you want to rotate faster, or keep fewer files, take a look in /etc/logrotate.d/radosgw. That's on Ubuntu, and I think it's there on CentOS 6.

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On 4/15/14 23:49 , wsnote wrote:
OS: CentOS 6.5
Ceph version: 0.67.7

When I delete or move /var/log/ceph/radosgw.log, I can continue operating files through rgw. Then I find there are no log. The log won't be generated automatically. Even if I created it, it will still been written nothing. And if I restart radowgw, the log will be generated again. I think this is a bug and don't know whether it was fixed or not. Whatever I delete or move the log, it should re-generates again and record the following operation through rgw.

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