Sounds like you want to explore the auto-in settings, which can
prevent new OSDs from being automatically accepted into the cluster.
Should turn up if you search :)
Software Engineer #42 @ |

On Thu, Apr 10, 2014 at 1:45 PM,  <> wrote:
> Hi All,
>   Is there a way to prepare the drives of multiple OSD and then bring them
> into the CRUSH map all at once?
>  Right now I'm using:
> ceph-deploy --overwrite-conf disk prepare --zap-disk $NODE:$DEV </dev/null
> ceph-deploy disk activate $NODE:$DEV </dev/null
> and have noticed that each successive format gets slower and slower as the
> other OSDs become active on the node.
> I'd hoped to keep the OSDs quiet so that the formats would proceed
> quickly, then turn them all on at once.
> I've tried "ceph osd reweight osdnum 0" for the new OSDs and that appears
> to keep them from being written.  However, there are preexisting OSDs on
> the node and they start churning like mad, slowing down the formats of the
> other drives anyway.  (Looks like my controller cannot actually handle all
> drives at maximum usage.)
> Thanks for the help!
> Chad.
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