
I replace the code in the file /etc/init.d/ceph of v0.78 with the code of
emperor and everything is ok for now. The replaced code:

#Code of v0.78
            if [ "$type" = "osd" ]; then
                get_conf update_crush "" "osd crush update on start"
                if [ "${update_crush:-1}" = "1" -o "${update_crush:-1}" =
"true" ]; then
                    # update location in crush
                    get_conf osd_location_hook
"$BINDIR/ceph-crush-location" "osd crush location hook"
                    osd_location=`$osd_location_hook --cluster ceph --id
$id --type osd`
                    get_conf osd_weight "" "osd crush initial weight"
                    defaultweight="$(df -P -k $osd_data/. | tail -1 | awk
'{ d=$2/1073741824 ; r = sprintf("%.2f", d); print r }')"
                    get_conf osd_keyring "$osd_data/keyring" "keyring"
                    do_cmd "timeout 10 $BINDIR/ceph -c $conf --name=osd.$id
--keyring=$osd_keyring osd crush create-or-move -- $id
${osd_weight:-${defaultweight:-1}} $osd_location"

#Code of emperor
  if [ "$type" = "osd" ]; then
                get_conf update_crush "" "osd crush update on start"
                if [ "${update_crush:-1}" = "1" -o "{$update_crush:-1}" =
"true" ]; then
                    # update location in crush; put in some suitable
defaults on the
                    # command line, ceph.conf can override what it wants
                    get_conf osd_location "" "osd crush location"
                    get_conf osd_weight "" "osd crush initial weight"
                    defaultweight="$(do_cmd "df $osd_data/. | tail -1 | awk
'{ d= \$2/1073741824 ; r = sprintf(\"%.2f\", d); print r }'")"
                    get_conf osd_keyring "$osd_data/keyring" "keyring"
                    do_cmd "timeout 10 $BINDIR/ceph \
                        --name=osd.$id \
                        --keyring=$osd_keyring \
                        osd crush create-or-move \
                        -- \
                        $id \
                        ${osd_weight:-${defaultweight:-1}} \
                        root=default \
                        host=$host \

Best regards,
Thanh Tran

On Mon, Apr 7, 2014 at 3:49 PM, Thanh Tran <thanht...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> First, i installed ceph with version emperor by mkcephfs, everything is ok.
> My cluster has 3 server. Please see http://pastebin.com/avTRfi5F for
> config information and additional information.
> Then, i upgraded to v0.78 and restart ceph, osd map changed (see "ceph osd
> tree" at http://pastebin.com/avTRfi5F).
> osd.1 and osd.4 should belong to host cephtest19, osd.2 and osd.5 should
> belong to host cephtest20.
> Processes osd.1, osd.4 and osd.2, osd.5 are still running on cephtest19
> and cephtest20.
> Please help me to investigate this issue.
> Best regards,
> Thanh Tran
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