What logs should I see to explore more about what might be going wrong
here ?

On 3/30/14, 3:00 PM, "Vilobh Meshram" <vilob...@yahoo-inc.com> wrote:

>Hi Loic,
>Thanks for your reply.
>Not really I have setup 3 nodes as storage nodes ³ceph osd tree² output
>also confirms that.
>I was more concerned about the authentication aspect meaning the request
>not able to reach the MON node and hence not getting forwarded to the
>storage nodes ?
>On 3/30/14, 7:21 AM, "Loic Dachary" <l...@dachary.org> wrote:
>>On 30/03/2014 14:23, Vilobh Meshram wrote:
>>> I was trying to play around with RDO and CEPH at
>>>http://openstack.redhat.com/Using_Ceph_for_Cinder_with_RDO_Havana but
>>>after I install QEMU for CEPH and when I run
>>> qemu-img create ­f raw rbd:data/foo 1G
>>> The command just hangs without creating any raw device. Am I missing
>>>something here ?
>>Could it be that you only have one machine running Ceph ? What does ceph
>>osd tree prints ?
>>> Thanks,
>>> Vilobh
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>>Loïc Dachary, Artisan Logiciel Libre

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