Hi all,

I think it's time to organize a informal Ceph meetup in Amsterdam :-)

I have some office space available in Amsterdam at a datacenter (with Ceph clusters running there!) and I think it would be fun to organize a Ceph meetup.

No formal schedule or something, just some Ceph users (or potential users) doing a meetup for a few hours.

Talk about Ceph, your ideas or just ask a lot of questions!

Want to share your Ceph experience? Make a small presentation and we can come up with a schedule on the spot.

I'm buying pizza and drinks, so I need to know how many people will join.

Date:     24-04-2014
Location: Gyroscoopweg 134, 1042AZ Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Time:     18:00 ~ 21:00

Should you need a pickup from the trainstation (3km), let me know. I'll make sure somebody is there to pick you up and bring you back again.

If you are interested, let me know! I'll make sure there is pizza around 18:30, so I need to know how many people will come.

Wido den Hollander
42on B.V.

Phone: +31 (0)20 700 9902
Skype: contact42on
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