When you do

 ceph pg scrub <pgid>

it will notice the missing object (you should see it go by with ceph -w or 
the message in /var/log/ceph/ceph.log on a monitor node), and the PG will 
get an 'inconsistent' flag set.  To trigger repair, you need to do

 ceph pg repair <pgid>


On Mon, 24 Mar 2014, ljm李嘉敏 wrote:

> Hi Kyle,
> Thank you very much for your explanation, I have triggered the relative pg to 
> scrub, but the secondary replica which I remove manually isn't recovered, 
> it only shows that instructing pg xx.xxx on osd.x to scrub.
> PS: I use the ceph-deploy to deploy the ceph cluster, and the ceph.conf is 
> the default configuration.
> Thanks & Regards
> Li JiaMin
> -----邮件原件-----
> 发件人: Kyle Bader [mailto:kyle.ba...@gmail.com] 
> 发送时间: 2014年3月23日 10:05
> 收件人: ljm李嘉敏
> 抄送: ceph-users@lists.ceph.com
> 主题: Re: [ceph-users] why object can't be recovered when delete one replica
> > I upload a file through swift API, then delete it in the “current” 
> > directory in the secondary OSD manually, why the object can’t be recovered?
> >
> > If I delete it in the primary OSD, the object is deleted directly in 
> > the pool .rgw.bucket and it can’t be recovered from the secondary OSD.
> >
> > Do anyone know this behavior?
> This is because the placement group containing that object likely needs to 
> scrub (just a light scrub should do). The scrub will compare the two 
> replicas, notice the replica is missing from the secondary and trigger 
> recovery/backfill. Can you try scrubbing the placement group containing the 
> removed object and let us know if it triggers recovery?
> -- 
> Kyle
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