Hi Hong,

That's interesting, for Mr. Bazli and I, we ended with MDS stuck in (up:replay) 
and a flapping ceph-mds daemon, but then again we are using version 0.72.2. 
Having said so the triggering point seem similar to us as well, which is the 
following line:

   -38> 2014-03-20 20:08:44.495565 7fee3d7c4700  0 -- 
>> pipe(0x3f03b80 sd=18 :6801 s=0 pgs=0 cs=0 l=0 
c=0x1f0e2160).accept we reset (peer sent cseq 2), sending RESETSESSION

So how long did your client go into sleep? Was there any I/O prior to the sleep?


From: hjcho616 [mailto:hjcho...@yahoo.com]
Sent: Friday, 21 March, 2014 12:09 PM
To: Luke Jing Yuan
Cc: Mohd Bazli Ab Karim; ceph-users@lists.ceph.com
Subject: Re: [ceph-users] MDS crash when client goes to sleep

Nope just these segfaults.

[149884.709608] ceph-mds[17366]: segfault at 200 ip 00007f09de9d60b8 sp 
00007f09db461520 error 4 in libgcc_s.so.1[7f09de9c7000+15000]
[211263.265402] ceph-mds[17135]: segfault at 200 ip 00007f59eec280b8 sp 
00007f59eb6b3520 error 4 in libgcc_s.so.1[7f59eec19000+15000]
[214638.927759] ceph-mds[16896]: segfault at 200 ip 00007fcb2c89e0b8 sp 
00007fcb29329520 error 4 in libgcc_s.so.1[7fcb2c88f000+15000]
[289338.461271] ceph-mds[20878]: segfault at 200 ip 00007f4b7211c0b8 sp 
00007f4b6eba7520 error 4 in libgcc_s.so.1[7f4b7210d000+15000]
[373738.961475] ceph-mds[21341]: segfault at 200 ip 00007f36c3d480b8 sp 
00007f36c07d3520 error 4 in libgcc_s.so.1[7f36c3d39000+15000]


From: Luke Jing Yuan <jyl...@mimos.my>
To: hjcho616 <hjcho...@yahoo.com>
Cc: Mohd Bazli Ab Karim <bazli.abka...@mimos.my>; "ceph-users@lists.ceph.com" 
Sent: Thursday, March 20, 2014 10:53 PM
Subject: Re: [ceph-users] MDS crash when client goes to sleep

Did you see any messages in dmesg saying ceph-mds respawnning or stuffs like 


On Mar 21, 2014, at 11:09 AM, "hjcho616" <hjcho...@yahoo.com> wrote:
On client, I was no longer able to access the filesystem.  It would hang.  
Makes sense since MDS has crashed.  I tried running 3 MDS demon on the same 
machine.  Two crashes and one appears to be hung up(?). ceph health says MDS is 
in degraded state when that happened.

I was able to recover by restarting every node.  I currently have three 
machine, one with MDS and MON, and two with OSDs.

It is failing everytime my client machine goes to sleep.  If you need me to run 
something let me know what and how.


From: Mohd Bazli Ab Karim <bazli.abka...@mimos.my>
To: hjcho616 <hjcho...@yahoo.com>; "ceph-users@lists.ceph.com" 
Sent: Thursday, March 20, 2014 9:40 PM
Subject: RE: [ceph-users] MDS crash when client goes to sleep

Hi Hong,
May I know what has happened to your MDS once it crashed? Was it able to 
recover from replay?
We also facing this issue and I am interested to know on how to reproduce it.


From: ceph-users-boun...@lists.ceph.com 
[mailto:ceph-users-boun...@lists.ceph.com] On Behalf Of hjcho616
Sent: Friday, March 21, 2014 10:29 AM
To: ceph-users@lists.ceph.com
Subject: [ceph-users] MDS crash when client goes to sleep

When CephFS is mounted on a client and when client decides to go to sleep, MDS 
segfaults.  Has anyone seen this?  Below is a part of MDS log.  This happened 
in emperor and recent 0.77 release.  I am running Debian Wheezy with testing 
kernels 3.13.  What can I do to not crash the whole system if a client goes to 
sleep (and looks like disconnect may do the same)? Let me know if you need any 
more info.


   -43> 2014-03-20 20:08:42.463357 7fee3f0cf700  1 -- 
--> -- mdsbeacon(6798/MDS1.2 up:active seq 21120 v6970) v2 
-- ?+0 0x1ee9f080 con 0x2e56580
   -42> 2014-03-20 20:08:42.463787 7fee411d4700  1 -- 
<== mon.0 21764 ==== mdsbeacon(6798/MDS1.2 up:active seq 
21120 v6970) v2 ==== 108+0+0 (266728949 0 0) 0x1ee88dc0 con 0x2e56580
   -41> 2014-03-20 20:08:43.373099 7fee3f0cf700  2 mds.0.cache 
check_memory_usage total 665384, rss 503156, heap 24656, malloc 463874 mmap 0, 
baseline 16464, buffers 0, max 1048576, 0 / 62380 inodes have caps, 0 caps, 0 
caps per inode
   -40> 2014-03-20 20:08:44.494963 7fee3d7c4700  1 -- 
>> :/0 pipe(0x3f03b80 sd=18 :6801 s=0 pgs=0 cs=0 l=0 c=0x1f0e2160).accept sd=18
   -39> 2014-03-20 20:08:44.495033 7fee3d7c4700  0 -- 
>> pipe(0x3f03b80 sd=18 :6801 s=0 pgs=0 cs=0 l=0 
c=0x1f0e2160).accept peer addr is really (socket is
   -38> 2014-03-20 20:08:44.495565 7fee3d7c4700  0 -- 
>> pipe(0x3f03b80 sd=18 :6801 s=0 pgs=0 cs=0 l=0 
c=0x1f0e2160).accept we reset (peer sent cseq 2), sending RESETSESSION
   -37> 2014-03-20 20:08:44.496015 7fee3d7c4700  2 -- 
>> pipe(0x3f03b80 sd=18 :6801 s=4 pgs=0 cs=0 l=0 
c=0x1f0e2160).fault 0: Success
   -36> 2014-03-20 20:08:44.496099 7fee411d4700  5 mds.0.35 ms_handle_reset on
   -35> 2014-03-20 20:08:44.496120 7fee411d4700  3 mds.0.35 ms_handle_reset 
closing connection for session client.6019
   -34> 2014-03-20 20:08:44.496207 7fee411d4700  1 -- 
mark_down 0x1f0e2160 -- pipe dne
   -33> 2014-03-20 20:08:44.653628 7fee3d7c4700  1 -- 
>> :/0 pipe(0x3d8e000 sd=18 :6801 s=0 pgs=0 cs=0 l=0 c=0x1f0e22c0).accept sd=18
   -32> 2014-03-20 20:08:44.653677 7fee3d7c4700  0 -- 
>> pipe(0x3d8e000 sd=18 :6801 s=0 pgs=0 cs=0 l=0 
c=0x1f0e22c0).accept peer addr is really (socket is
   -31> 2014-03-20 20:08:44.925618 7fee411d4700  1 -- 
<== client.6019 1 ==== client_reconnect(77349 caps) 
v2 ==== 0+0+11032578 (0 0 3293767716) 0x2e92780 con 0x1f0e22c0
   -30> 2014-03-20 20:08:44.925682 7fee411d4700  1 mds.0.server  no longer in 
reconnect state, ignoring reconnect, sending close
   -29> 2014-03-20 20:08:44.925735 7fee411d4700  0 log [INF] : denied reconnect 
attempt (mds is up:active) from client.6019 after 
2014-03-20 20:08:44.925679 (allowed interval 45)
   -28> 2014-03-20 20:08:44.925748 7fee411d4700  1 -- 
--> -- client_session(close) v1 -- ?+0 0x3ea6540 con 
   -27> 2014-03-20 20:08:44.927727 7fee3d7c4700  2 -- 
>> pipe(0x3d8e000 sd=18 :6801 s=2 pgs=135 cs=1 l=0 
c=0x1f0e22c0).reader couldn't read tag, Success
   -26> 2014-03-20 20:08:44.927797 7fee3d7c4700  2 -- 
>> pipe(0x3d8e000 sd=18 :6801 s=2 pgs=135 cs=1 l=0 
c=0x1f0e22c0).fault 0: Success
   -25> 2014-03-20 20:08:44.927849 7fee3d7c4700  0 -- 
>> pipe(0x3d8e000 sd=18 :6801 s=2 pgs=135 cs=1 l=0 
c=0x1f0e22c0).fault, server, going to standby
   -24> 2014-03-20 20:08:46.372279 7fee401d2700 10 monclient: tick
   -23> 2014-03-20 20:08:46.372339 7fee401d2700 10 monclient: 
_check_auth_rotating have uptodate secrets (they expire after 2014-03-20 
   -22> 2014-03-20 20:08:46.372373 7fee401d2700 10 monclient: renew subs? (now: 
2014-03-20 20:08:46.372372; renew after: 2014-03-20 20:09:56.370811) -- no
   -21> 2014-03-20 20:08:46.372403 7fee401d2700 10  log_queue is 1 last_log 2 
sent 1 num 1 unsent 1 sending 1
   -20> 2014-03-20 20:08:46.372421 7fee401d2700 10  will send 2014-03-20 
20:08:44.925741 mds.0 2 : [INF] denied reconnect 
attempt (mds is up:active) from client.6019 after 
2014-03-20 20:08:44.925679 (allowed interval 45)
   -19> 2014-03-20 20:08:46.372466 7fee401d2700 10 monclient: _send_mon_message 
to mon.MDS1 at
   -18> 2014-03-20 20:08:46.372483 7fee401d2700  1 -- 
--> -- log(1 entries) v1 -- ?+0 0x71d8d80 con 0x2e56580
   -17> 2014-03-20 20:08:46.463496 7fee3f0cf700 10 monclient: _send_mon_message 
to mon.MDS1 at
   -16> 2014-03-20 20:08:46.463524 7fee3f0cf700  1 -- 
--> -- mdsbeacon(6798/MDS1.2 up:active seq 21121 v6970) v2 
-- ?+0 0x1ee91340 con 0x2e56580
   -15> 2014-03-20 20:08:46.499688 7fee411d4700  1 -- 
<== mon.0 21765 ==== log(last 2) v1 ==== 24+0+0 (1174756693 
0 0) 0x3ea7a40 con 0x2e56580
   -14> 2014-03-20 20:08:46.499751 7fee411d4700 10 handle_log_ack log(last 2) v1
   -13> 2014-03-20 20:08:46.499757 7fee411d4700 10  logged 2014-03-20 
20:08:44.925741 mds.0 2 : [INF] denied reconnect 
attempt (mds is up:active) from client.6019 after 
2014-03-20 20:08:44.925679 (allowed interval 45)
   -12> 2014-03-20 20:08:46.499825 7fee411d4700  1 -- 
<== mon.0 21766 ==== mdsbeacon(6798/MDS1.2 up:active seq 
21121 v6970) v2 ==== 108+0+0 (51773011 0 0) 0x1ee25600 con 0x2e56580
   -11> 2014-03-20 20:08:47.303323 7fee3ddca700  1 -- 
>> :/0 pipe(0x3e92280 sd=21 :6801 s=0 pgs=0 cs=0 l=0 c=0x1f0e3080).accept sd=21
   -10> 2014-03-20 20:08:47.308830 7fee3ddca700  0 -- 
>> pipe(0x3e92280 sd=21 :6801 s=0 pgs=0 cs=0 l=0 
c=0x1f0e3080).accept peer addr is really (socket is
    -9> 2014-03-20 20:08:47.309221 7fee3ddca700  0 -- 
>> pipe(0x3e92280 sd=21 :6801 s=0 pgs=0 cs=0 l=0 
c=0x1f0e3080).accept connect_seq 0 vs existing 1 state standby
    -8> 2014-03-20 20:08:47.309251 7fee3ddca700  0 -- 
>> pipe(0x3e92280 sd=21 :6801 s=0 pgs=0 cs=0 l=0 
c=0x1f0e3080).accept peer reset, then tried to connect to us, replacing
    -7> 2014-03-20 20:08:47.309337 7fee411d4700  5 mds.0.35 
ms_handle_remote_reset on
    -6> 2014-03-20 20:08:47.309357 7fee411d4700  3 mds.0.35 
ms_handle_remote_reset closing connection for session client.6019
    -5> 2014-03-20 20:08:47.309385 7fee411d4700  1 -- 
mark_down 0x1f0e22c0 -- 0x3e92280
    -4> 2014-03-20 20:08:47.309478 7fee411d4700  5 mds.0.35 ms_handle_reset on
    -3> 2014-03-20 20:08:47.309490 7fee411d4700  3 mds.0.35 ms_handle_reset 
closing connection for session client.6019
    -2> 2014-03-20 20:08:47.309501 7fee411d4700  1 -- 
mark_down 0x1f0e3080 -- 0x3e92280
    -1> 2014-03-20 20:08:47.309485 7fee3ddca700  2 -- 
>> pipe(0x3e92280 sd=21 :6801 s=4 pgs=136 cs=1 l=0 
c=0x1f0e22c0).accept read error on newly_acked_seq
     0> 2014-03-20 20:08:47.310724 7fee411d4700 -1 *** Caught signal 
(Segmentation fault) **
 in thread 7fee411d4700

 ceph version 0.77 (1bca9c5c412b3af722d5250f07fd562a23cf35ff)
 1: /usr/bin/ceph-mds() [0x8baf22]
 2: (()+0xf880) [0x7fee458ef880]
 NOTE: a copy of the executable, or `objdump -rdS <executable>` is needed to 
interpret this.

--- logging levels ---
   0/ 5 none
   0/ 1 lockdep
   0/ 1 context
   1/ 1 crush
   1/ 5 mds
   1/ 5 mds_balancer
   1/ 5 mds_locker
   1/ 5 mds_log
   1/ 5 mds_log_expire
   1/ 5 mds_migrator
   0/ 1 buffer
   0/ 1 timer
   0/ 1 filer
   0/ 1 striper
   0/ 1 objecter
   0/ 5 rados
   0/ 5 rbd
   0/ 5 journaler
   0/ 5 objectcacher
   0/ 5 client
   0/ 5 osd
   0/ 5 optracker
   0/ 5 objclass
   1/ 3 filestore
   1/ 3 keyvaluestore
   1/ 3 journal
   0/ 5 ms
   1/ 5 mon
   0/10 monc
   1/ 5 paxos
   0/ 5 tp
   1/ 5 auth
   1/ 5 crypto
   1/ 1 finisher
   1/ 5 heartbeatmap
   1/ 5 perfcounter
   1/ 5 rgw
   1/ 5 javaclient
   1/ 5 asok
   1/ 1 throttle
  -2/-2 (syslog threshold)
  -1/-1 (stderr threshold)
  max_recent     10000
  max_new         1000
  log_file /var/log/ceph/ceph-mds.MDS1.2.log
--- end dump of recent events ---


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