On 2/4/14 17:06 , Craig Lewis wrote:

On 2/4/14 14:43 , Yehuda Sadeh wrote:
Does it ever catching up? You mentioned before that most of the writes
went to the same two buckets, so that's probably one of them. Note
that writes to the same bucket are being handled in-order by the


... I think so.  This is what my graph looks like:
I think it's still catching up, despite the graph. radosgw-admin bucket stats shows more objects are being created in the slave zone than the master zone during the same time period. Not a large number though. If it is catching up, it'll take months at this rate. It's not entirely clear, because the slave zone trails the master, but it's been pretty consistent for the past hour.

It's not doing all of the missing objects though. I have a bucket that I stopped writing to a few days ago. The slave is missing ~500k objects, and none have been added to the slave in the past hour.

You can run

$ radosgw-admin bilog list --bucket=<bucket> --marker=<id>


$ radosgw-admin bilog list --bucket=live-2 --marker=00000127871.328492.2

The entries there should have timestamp info.

Thanks!  I'll see what I can figure out.
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