On 01/09/2014 10:43 AM, Bradley Kite wrote:
On 9 January 2014 15:44, Christian Kauhaus <k...@gocept.com
<mailto:k...@gocept.com>> wrote:

    Am 09.01.2014 10:25, schrieb Bradley Kite:
     > 3 servers (quad-core CPU, 16GB RAM), each with 4 SATA 7.2K RPM
    disks (4TB)
     > plus a 160GB SSD.
     > [...]
     > By comparison, a 12-disk RAID5 iscsi SAN is doing ~4000 read iops
    and ~2000
     > iops write (but with 15KRPM SAS disks).

    I think that comparing Ceph on 7.2k rpm SATA disks against iSCSI on
    15k rpm
    SAS disks is not fair. The random access times of 15k SAS disks are
    better compared to 7.2k SATA disks. What would be far more
    interesting is to
    compare Ceph against iSCSI with identical disks.



    Dipl.-Inf. Christian Kauhaus <>< · k...@gocept.com
    <mailto:k...@gocept.com> · systems administration
    gocept gmbh & co. kg · Forsterstraße 29 · 06112 Halle (Saale) · Germany
    http://gocept.com · tel +49 345 219401-11 <tel:%2B49%20345%20219401-11>
    Python, Pyramid, Plone, Zope · consulting, development, hosting,
    ceph-users mailing list
    ceph-users@lists.ceph.com <mailto:ceph-users@lists.ceph.com>

Hi Christian,

Yes, for a true comparison it would be better but this is the only iscsi
SAN that we have available for testing, so I really only compared
against it to get a "gut feel" for relative performance.

I'm still looking for clues that might indicate why there is such a huge
difference between the read & write rates on the ceph cluster though.

One thing you may want to look at is some comparisons we did with fio on different RBD volumes with varying io depths and volume/guest counts:


You'll probably be most interested in the 4k random read/write results for XFS. It would be interesting to see if you saw any difference with more or less volumes at different io depths. Also, sorry if I missed it, but is this QEMU/KVM? If so, did you enable RBD cache?

I've been doing some more testing, and the raw random read/write
performance of the individual bcache OSD's is around 1500 iops/second so
I feel I should be getting significantly more from ceph than what I am
able to.

Of course, as soon as bcache stops providing benefits (ie data is pushed
out of the SSD cache) then the raw performance drops to a standard SATA
drive of around 120 IOPS.


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