On 08/01/2014 17:38, Gautam Saxena wrote:> If I've installed ceph (and 
Openstack) with ceph authentication enabled, but I *now* want to disable cephx 
authentication using the techniques described in the ceph documentation 
do I need to reconfigure anything on OpenStack? (I'm hoping that OpenStack will 
now automatically skip authentication and therefore improve performance, even 
though the "secret" keys and other "cephx authetnication" keyrings are still 
left in the OpenStack and/or virsh configuration files.) 

OpenStack won't need to be reconfigured, Ceph will just not use the 
authentication information.

> (I've noticed a slight performance drop between 2 different CEPH deployments. 
> There were a couple variables that were different between the 2 deployments, 
> one of which was cephx authentication -- how much of a performance penalty do 
> people think CEPHX authentication incurs?)

I'm not sure but I would be surprised if it makes a significant difference.


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Loïc Dachary, Artisan Logiciel Libre

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