Hi ceph-users and ceph-devel,
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

We have a ceph cluster with radosgw, our customer is using S3 API to access the 

The basic information of the cluster is:
bash-4.1$ ceph -s
  cluster b9cb3ea9-e1de-48b4-9e86-6921e2c537d2
   health HEALTH_ERR 1 pgs inconsistent; 1 scrub errors
   monmap e1: 3 mons at 
 election epoch 40, quorum 0,1,2 osd151,osd152,osd153
   osdmap e129885: 787 osds: 758 up, 758 in
    pgmap v1884502: 22203 pgs: 22125 active+clean, 1 active+clean+scrubbing, 1 
active+clean+inconsistent, 76 active+clean+scrubbing+deep; 96319 GB data, 302 
TB used, 762 TB / 1065 TB avail
   mdsmap e1: 0/0/1 up

#When the latency peak happened, there was no scrubbing, recovering or 
backfilling at the moment.#

While the performance of the cluster (only with WRITE traffic) is stable until 
Dec 25th, our monitoring (for radosgw access log) shows a significant increase 
of average latency and 99% latency.

And then I chose one OSD and try to grep slow requests logs and find that most 
of the slow requests were waiting for subop, I take osd22 for example.

osd[561-571] are hosted by osd22.
-bash-4.1$ for i in {561..571}; do grep "slow request" ceph-osd.$i.log | grep 
"2013-12-25 16"| grep osd_op | grep -oP "\d+,\d+" ; done > ~/slow_osd.txt
-bash-4.1$ cat ~/slow_osd.txt  | sort | uniq -c | sort –nr
   3586 656,598
    289 467,629
    284 598,763
    279 584,598
    203 172,598
    182 598,6
    155 629,646
     83 631,598
     65 631,593
     21 616,629
     20 609,671
     20 609,390
     13 609,254
     12 702,629
     12 629,641
     11 665,613
     11 593,724
     11 361,591
     10 591,709
      9 681,609
      9 609,595
      9 591,772
      8 613,662
      8 575,591
      7 674,722
      7 609,603
      6 585,605
      5 613,691
      5 293,629
      4 774,591
      4 717,591
      4 613,776
      4 538,629
      4 485,629
      3 702,641
      3 608,629
      3 593,580
      3 591,676

It turns out most of the slow requests were waiting for osd 598, 629, I ran the 
procedure on another host osd22 and got the same pattern.

Then I turned to the host having osd598 and dump the perf counter to do 

-bash-4.1$ for i in {594..604}; do sudo ceph --admin-daemon 
/var/run/ceph/ceph-osd.$i.asok perf dump | ~/do_calc_op_latency.pl; done
29.5222496247375,18.2888846379615, 10860858
(osd 598 is op hotspot as well)

This double confirmed that osd 598 was having some performance issues (it has 
around 30 seconds average op latency!).
sar shows slightly higher disk I/O for osd 598 (/dev/sdf) but the latency 
difference is not as significant as we saw from osd perf.
reads   kbread writes  kbwrite %busy  avgqu  await  svctm
37.3    459.9    89.8     4106.9   61.8     1.6       12.2    4.9
42.3    545.8    91.8     4296.3   69.7     2.4       17.6    5.2 
42.0    483.8    93.1     4263.6   68.8     1.8       13.3    5.1
39.7    425.5    89.4     4327.0   68.5     1.8       14.0    5.3

Another disk at the same time for comparison (/dev/sdb).
reads   kbread writes  kbwrite %busy  avgqu  await  svctm
34.2    502.6    80.1    3524.3    53.4     1.3     11.8      4.7
35.3    560.9    83.7    3742.0    56.0     1.2     9.8       4.7 
30.4    371.5   78.8     3631.4    52.2     1.7     15.8     4.8
33.0    389.4   78.8      3597.6   54.2     1.4      12.1    4.8

Any idea why a couple of OSDs are so slow that impact the performance of the 
entire cluster?

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