On 24/12/2013 05:42, Christian Balzer wrote:
> Hello,
> from what has been written on the roadmap page and here, I assume that the
> erasure coding option with Firefly will be (unsurprisingly) a pool option.

Hi Christian,

You are correct. It is set when a pool of type "erasure" is created for 
instance :

   ceph osd pool create poolname 12 12 erasure

creates an erasure pool "poolname" with 12 pg and uses the default erasure code 
plugin ( jerasure ) with parameters K=6, M=2 meaning each object is spread over 
6+2 OSDs and you can sustain the loss of two OSDs. It can be changed with

   ceph osd pool create poolname 12 12 erasure erasure-code-k=2 

which is the equivalent of having 2 replicas using 1.5 times the space instead 
of 2 times.

> Given the nature of this beast I doubt that it can just be switched on
> with a live pool, right?

> If so, what are the thoughts/plans to allow for a seamless and transparent
> migration, other than a "deploy more hardware, create a new pool, migrate
> everything by hand (with potential service interruptions)" approach?

One possibility is to use tiering. An erasure code pool is created and set to 
receive objects demoted from the replica pool when they have not been used in a 
long time. If the object is accessed from the replica pool, it is first 
promoted back to it and this is transparent to the user ( modulo the delay of 
promoting it when accessed again ).


> Regards,
> Christian

Loïc Dachary, Artisan Logiciel Libre

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