The "addr" directives, I believe, all require an IP address, because they
tell the associated daemon what address to bind() to.

The "host" directives are unqualified host names, because the init scripts
will compare the local host name to determine which daemons to launch.

Hope that helps!

On Wed, Dec 18, 2013 at 10:32 PM, Yuri Weinstein

> Wow!!!
> I tried everything but not this!
> I will give it a try.
> However it does sound strange that only for this value requirements differ.
> Why?
> Regards
> On Wednesday, December 18, 2013, Aaron Ten Clay wrote:
>> Yuri,
>> The "mon addr" directive is expecting an IP address in standard IPv4
>> decimal notation, i.e. "". If you change your config
>> to reflect that you should have better luck :)
>> -Aaron
>> On Wed, Dec 18, 2013 at 1:02 PM, Yuri Weinstein <
>> > wrote:
>>> I was not able to deploy Ceph on multiple hosts, AND assuming that I
>>> don't know some small "know hows" decided to minimize the risk of
>>> unknowns and  deploy on a single box, using these 5-min steps -
>>> Everything looks very straightforward and simple.
>>> Here is my ceph.conf file:
>>> [osd]
>>>         osd journal size = 1000
>>>         filestore xattr use omap = true
>>> [mon.a]
>>>         host = ip-10-212-117-78
>>>         mon addr=10-212-117-78:6969
>>> [osd.0]
>>>         host = ip-10-212-117-78
>>> [osd.1]
>>>         host = ip-10-212-117-78
>>> [mds.a]
>>>         host = ip-10-212-117-78
>>> (I tried changing the porting assuming that it may not be open on my
>>> Ubuntu instance).
>>> However, when I run
>>> sudo mkcephfs -a -c /etc/ceph/ceph.conf -k ceph.keyring
>>> I get error:
>>> ubuntu@ip-10-212-117-78:/etc/ceph$ sudo mkcephfs -a -c
>>> /etc/ceph/ceph.conf -k ceph.keyring
>>> temp dir is /tmp/mkcephfs.9uVn8o1L8c
>>> preparing monmap in /tmp/mkcephfs.9uVn8o1L8c/monmap
>>> /usr/bin/monmaptool --create --clobber --add a 10-212-117-78:6969
>>> --print /tmp/mkcephfs.9uVn8o1L8c/monmap
>>> /usr/bin/monmaptool: invalid ip:port '10-212-117-78:6969'
>>> WARNING: mkcephfs is now deprecated in favour of ceph-deploy. Please see:
>>> What does it mean and how to work around this?
>>> Thx!
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>> --
>> Aaron Ten Clay

Aaron Ten Clay
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