
Since the /dev/sdX device location could shuffle things up (and that would mess 
things up) I'd like to use a more-persistent device path.

Since I'd like to be able to replace a disk without adjusting anything (e.g. 
just formatting the disk) the /dev/disk/by-path seems the best fit.
However, this device has colons in the name and ceph-deploy uses this as 
separators so that won't work.

Also, I'm interested to what ceph (deploy) uses to decide which disks should be 
mounted @ boot.
I do not see any fstab entries but disks do get mounted.
It looks like it is just using /dev/sdX for this instead of the /dev/disk/by-id 
/by-path given by ceph-deploy.

So I am wondering how other people are setting up machines and how things work 

Robert van Leeuwen
ceph-users mailing list

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