Dear Greg,
I believe 3.8 is after CRUSH_TUNABLES v1 was implemented in the
kernel, so it shouldn't hurt you to turn them on if you need them.
(And the crush tool is just out of date; we should update that text!)
However, if you aren't having distribution issues on your cluster I
wouldn't bother [...]
that's just the thing:
Our cluster is now about 75% full and "ceph status" shows:
"HEALTH_WARN 1 near full osd(s)".
The used space on the (identical) OSD partitions varies between the
extremes of 64% and 86% - I would have expected CRUSH to produce a
more balanced data placement. Is this to be expected?
Our cluster structure: 6 Nodes (in 3 crushmap "racks" with 2 nodes
each), 6x 3TB disks per node, one OSD per disk - so 36 OSDs with 108 TB
in total. Nodes and drives are all identical and were taken into
operation at the same time, cluster hasn't changed since installation.
Disks have one big OSD data partition only, system and OSD journals are
on separate SSDs. Each OSD has a weight of 3.0 in the crushmap.
We have the standard three data pools, set to 3x replication, plus a
(so far unused) pool "cheapdata" with 2x replication. Each pool has
2368 PGs. Almost all of the data is in the data pool, then some in
rdb and a little in metadata (cheapdata being empty for now).
When I look at the used space on the /var/lib/ceph/osd/ceph-XX
partitions on the nodes, I get the following:
Node 1: 75%, 76%, 80%, 86%, 67%, 73%
Node 2: 71%, 75%, 76%, 82%, 74%, 76%
Node 3: 71%, 76%, 75%, 70%, 75%, 70%
Node 4: 76%, 83%, 66%, 68%, 72%, 78%
Node 5: 80%, 70%, 78%, 71%, 72%, 77%
Node 6: 81%, 74%, 69%, 67%, 78%, 64%
Is this normal, or might there be an issue with our configuration
(no special things in it, though)? Might the tuning options help?
I'd be very grateful for any advice! :-)
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