Hi Ceph,

A few upcoming Ceph related events were added today in 
http://ceph.com/community/events/. If something is happening somewhere and you 
would like to see it listed, just reply to this mail with a description ( a 
HTML snippet that looks like the existing posts would be easiest for me to copy 
over ). 

I'm doing this work as part of my contribution to the Ceph User Committee and 
welcome all the help there is. A more formal mission statement will be decided 
during the next Ceph Developer Summit ( 
http://wiki.ceph.com/01Planning/02Blueprints/Firefly/Ceph_User_Committee ) but 
there is nothing preventing immediate action :-)


Loïc Dachary, Artisan Logiciel Libre
ceph-users mailing list

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