On Fri, Nov 8, 2013 at 9:31 AM, Josh Durgin <josh.dur...@inktank.com> wrote:

> On 11/08/2013 03:50 AM, Wido den Hollander wrote:
>> On 11/07/2013 08:42 PM, Gruher, Joseph R wrote:
>>> Is there any plan to implement some kind of QoS in Ceph?  Say I want to
>>> provide service level assurance to my OpenStack VMs and I might have to
>>> throttle bandwidth to some to provide adequate bandwidth to others - is
>>> anything like that planned for Ceph?  Generally with regard to block
>>> storage (rbds), not object or filesystem.
>>> Or is there already a better way to do this elsewhere in the OpenStack
>>> cloud?
>> I don't know if OpenStack supports it, but in CloudStack we recently
>> implemented the I/O throttling mechanism of Qemu via libvirt.
>> That might be a solution if OpenStack implements that as well?
> Indeed, that was implemented in OpenStack Havana. I think the docs
> haven't been updated yet, but one of the related blueprints is:
> https://blueprints.launchpad.net/cinder/+spec/pass-ratelimit-info-to-nova
Yes, it seemed lack of necessary docs to guide users.

I just list commands below to help users to understand:

cinder qos-create high_read_low_write consumer="front-end"
read_iops_sec=1000 write_iops_sec=10

cinder type-create type1

cinder qos-associate [qos-spec-id] [type-id]

cinder create --display-name high-read-low-write-volume --volume-type type1

nova volume-attach vm-1 high-read-low-write-volume /dev/vdb

>  Thanks,
>>> Joe
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