Kevin Weiler schrieb:
> Thanks Kyle,
> What's the unit for osd recovery max chunk?
Have a look at where
all the possible OSD config options are described, especially have a
look at the backfilling and recovery sections.
> Also, how do I find out what my current values are for these osd options?
Have a look at

Best regards,
> --
> Kevin Weiler
> IT
> IMC Financial Markets | 233 S. Wacker Drive, Suite 4300 | Chicago, IL
> 60606 |
> Phone: +1 312-204-7439 | Fax: +1 312-244-3301 | E-Mail:
> On 10/28/13 6:22 PM, "Kyle Bader" <> wrote:
>> You can change some OSD tunables to lower the priority of backfills:
>>        osd recovery max chunk:   8388608
>>        osd recovery op priority: 2
>> In general a lower op priority means it will take longer for your
>> placement groups to go from degraded to active+clean, the idea is to
>> balance recovery time and not starving client requests. I've found 2
>> to work well on our clusters, YMMV.
>> On Mon, Oct 28, 2013 at 10:16 AM, Kevin Weiler
>> <> wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> We have a ceph cluster that being used as a backing store for several
>>> VMs
>>> (windows and linux). We notice that when we reboot a node, the cluster
>>> enters a degraded state (which is expected), but when it begins to
>>> recover,
>>> it starts backfilling and it kills the performance of our VMs. The VMs
>>> run
>>> slow, or not at all, and also seem to switch it's ceph mounts to
>>> read-only.
>>> I was wondering 2 things:
>>> Shouldn't we be recovering instead of backfilling? It seems like
>>> backfilling
>>> is much more intensive operation
>>> Can we improve the recovery/backfill performance so that our VMs don't
>>> go
>>> down when there is a problem with the cluster?
>>> --
>>> Kevin Weiler
>>> IT
>>> IMC Financial Markets | 233 S. Wacker Drive, Suite 4300 | Chicago, IL
>>> 60606
>>> |
>>> Phone: +1 312-204-7439 | Fax: +1 312-244-3301 | E-Mail:
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>> --
>> Kyle
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