If you were to run your Red Hat based client in a vm you could run run 
unmodified an unmodified kernel.  if you are using rhel 6.4 then you get the 
extra goodies in the virtio-scsi qemu driver.

On Oct 30, 2013, at 2:47 PM, <alistair.whit...@barclays.com> 
<alistair.whit...@barclays.com> wrote:

> Now that my ceph cluster seems to be happy and stable, I have been looking at 
> different ways of using it.   Object, block and file.
> Object is relatively easy and I will use different ones to test with Ceph.
> When I look at block, I’m getting the impression from a lot of Googling that 
> deploying clients on Red Hat to connect to a Ceph cluster can be complex.   
> As I understand it, the rbd module is not currently in the Red Hat kernel 
> (and I am not allowed to make changes to our standard kernel as is suggested 
> in places as a possible solution).  Does this mean I can’t connect a Red Hat 
> machine to Ceph as a block client?
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