I have a radosgw instance (ceph 0.71-299-g5cba838 src build), running on Ubuntu 13.10. I've been experimenting with multipart uploads (which are working fine). However while *most* objects (from radosgw perspective) have their storage space gc'd after a while post deletion, I'm seeing what looks like a stubborn remnant of approx 3G that is not being cleaned up - even after a day or so.

I'n guessing that it is from a multipart upload that I cancelled after it did about 3G, and the parts have become semi-orphaned. Any way to clean the up (apart from brutally removing at the rados level... which seems a bit scary)?


I've made gc a little more agressive:

$ tail /etc/ceph/ceph.conf
 ; gc tweaks
rgw gc obj min wait = 300
rgw gc processor max time = 1200
rgw gc processor max period = 1800

At the radosgw level there are no objects at all - e.g using boto:

for bucket in conn.get_all_buckets():

...finds nothing. However at the rados level, scanning using the python api:

for pool in pools:
    poolio = conn.open_ioctx(pool)
    poolstats = poolio.get_stats()
    print "{:30} {:10}".format(pool, poolstats['num_bytes'])

shows that .rgw.buckets is of size 2852126720. probing .rgw.buckets via:

for obj in poolio.list_objects():
    objstat = obj.stat()
    print "%s\t%s" % (obj.key, objstat[0])

Shows lots of 4M objects - presumably left over from my cancelled upload:

default.4902.1__multipart_data0/dump/big.dat.8De1Q8LjjDsHNl630fuwpWnAvc8l8-E.meta 0 default.5001.20__shadow_big.dat.uJRWhVeBFI51hR97csBNke2Sc4Dk9uo.2_176 4194304 default.5001.20__shadow_big.dat.uJRWhVeBFI51hR97csBNke2Sc4Dk9uo.3_122 4194304 default.5001.20__shadow_big.dat.uJRWhVeBFI51hR97csBNke2Sc4Dk9uo.1_159 4194304 default.5001.10__shadow_big.dat.tnGKpUbDi76i3WL1aVXFwFY_62pGvcX.2_253 4194304


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