Hi all
Today I'd like to replicated one cluster with gateway.After  master zone and 
slave zone working , i started a radosgw-agent .Unfortuntly , the agent return 
403 error all the time .
This is the master zone's information:
Mon, 28 Oct 2013 09:19:29 GMT
2013-10-28 17:19:29.397742 7f7b55fdb700 15 calculated 
2013-10-28 17:19:29.397760 7f7b55fdb700 15 
2013-10-28 17:19:29.397770 7f7b55fdb700 15 compare=0
2013-10-28 17:19:29.397792 7f7b55fdb700  2 req 87:0.001841::GET 
/admin/log:get_metadata_log_info:reading permissions
2013-10-28 17:19:29.397818 7f7b55fdb700  2 req 87:0.001868::GET 
/admin/log:get_metadata_log_info:verifying op mask
2013-10-28 17:19:29.397839 7f7b55fdb700 20 required_mask= 0 user.op_mask=7
2013-10-28 17:19:29.397852 7f7b55fdb700  2 req 87:0.001902::GET 
/admin/log:get_metadata_log_info:verifying op permissions
2013-10-28 17:19:29.397988 7f7b55fdb700  2 req 87:0.002037::GET 
/admin/log:get_metadata_log_info:http status=403
2013-10-28 17:19:29.398393 7f7b55fdb700  1 ====== req done req=0x1ce0770 
http_status=403 ======

the agent command is:
 radosgw-agent    --src-access-key BDKNCW56I2JWVD5OKD99  --src-secret-key 
O7IIFHwRw2EsG5n9Qjx4POquMjT0MlU7PSoTjiXq   --src-host --src-port 
80  --src-zone ex0-0  --dest-access-key  YFP0CA81IZ0KJUMII09Z  
--dest-secret-key  vI0dYFycGHFFB5yO4eJuAjmJCxDN7j5NRzT3cRQs   --dest-host  --dest-port 80  --dest-zone ex0-1  --daemon-id backup1 

infact the master zone user own permission like this 
{ "user_id": "ex0-0",
  "display_name": "region0 zone0",
  "email": "",
  "suspended": 0,
  "max_buckets": 1000,
  "auid": 0,
  "subusers": [],
  "keys": [
        { "user": "ex0-0",
          "access_key": "BDKNCW56I2JWVD5OKD99",
          "secret_key": "O7IIFHwRw2EsG5n9Qjx4POquMjT0MlU7PSoTjiXq"}],
  "swift_keys": [],
  "caps": [
        { "type": "usage",
          "perm": "*"}],
  "op_mask": "read, write, delete",
  "default_placement": "",
  "placement_tags": []}
I wander where's the problem ,thanks for any help!

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