On 10/20/2013 08:18 AM, Ugis wrote:
output follows:
#pvs -o pe_start /dev/rbd1p1
   1st PE
# cat /sys/block/rbd1/queue/minimum_io_size
# cat /sys/block/rbd1/queue/optimal_io_size

Well, the parameters are being set at least.  Mike, is it possible that
having minimum_io_size set to 4m is causing some read amplification
in LVM, translating a small read into a complete fetch of the PE (or
somethinga long those lines)?

Ugis, if your cluster is on the small side, it might be interesting to see
what requests the client is generated in the LVM and non-LVM case by
setting 'debug ms = 1' on the osds (e.g., ceph tell osd.* injectargs
'--debug-ms 1') and then looking at the osd_op messages that appear in
/var/log/ceph/ceph-osd*.log.  It may be obvious that the IO pattern is

Sage, here follows debug output. I am no pro in reading this, but
seems read block size differ(or what is that number following ~ sign)?

Yes, that's the I/O length. LVM is sending requests for 4k at a time,
while plain kernel rbd is sending 128k.

<request logs showing this>

How to proceed with tuning read performance on LVM? Is there some
chanage needed in code of ceph/LVM or my config needs to be tuned?
If what is shown in logs means 4k read block in LVM case - then it
seems I need to tell LVM(or xfs on top of LVM dictates read block
side?) that io block should be rather 4m?

It's a client side issue of sending much smaller requests than it needs
to. Check the queue minimum and optimal sizes for the lvm device - it
sounds like they might be getting set to 4k for some reason.

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