On Thu, Oct 10, 2013 at 4:38 PM, Jefferson Alcantara
<jefferson22alcant...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I need help for my radosgw machine , when I try start the service radosgw I
> receive equal  bellow :
> /etc/init.d/radosgw  start
> Starting client.radosgw.napsao-nix-qa-ceph-s301...
> 2013-10-10 20:34:14.047159 7f5dfc20b780 -1 WARNING: libcurl doesn't support
> curl_multi_wait()
> 2013-10-10 20:34:14.047173 7f5dfc20b780 -1 WARNING: cross zone / region
> transfer performance may be affected
> root@napsao-nix-qa-ceph-s301:/etc/ceph# ceph -v
> ceph version 0.67.4 (ad85b8bfafea6232d64cb7ba76a8b6e8252fa0c7)
> the service radosgw start normaly but  I'm very concerned about this message
> anybory know what is this ?

You shouldn't worry too much about it. Unless you're running in a
multi-region / multi-zone environment (which I assume you don't), it
wouldn't affect you.

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