Hi Guys,
     I read all Ceph documentation more than twice. I'm now very 
comfortable with all the aspect of Ceph except for the strategy of using 
my SSD and HDD.

Here is my reflexion

I've two approach in my understanding about use fast SSD (900 GB) for my 
primary storage and huge but slower HDD (4 TB) for replicas.

1. I can use PG with cache write enable as my primary storage that's 
goes on my SSD and let replicas goes on my 7200 RPM.
      With the cache write enable, I will gain performance for my VM 
user machine in VDI environment since Ceph client will not have to wait 
for the replicas write confirmation on the slower HDD.

2. Use pools hierarchies and let's have one pool for the SSD as primary 
and lets the replicas goes to a second pool name platter for HDD 
     As explain in the Ceph documentation
     rule ssd-primary {
               ruleset 4
               type replicated
               min_size 5
               max_size 10
               step take ssd
               step chooseleaf firstn 1 type host
               step emit
               step take platter
               step chooseleaf firstn -1 type host
               step emit

At this point, I could not figure out what approach could have the most 

Your point of view would definitely help me.


Martin Catudal
Responsable TIC
Ressources Metanor Inc
Ligne directe: (819) 218-2708
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