On 09/29/2013 07:34 PM, Aniket Nanhe wrote:
We have a Ceph cluster set up and are trying to evaluate Ceph for it's S3
compatible object storage. I came across this best practices document for
Amazon S3, which goes over how naming keys in a particular way can improve
performance of object GET and PUT operations (
I wonder if this also applies to the object store in Ceph. I am also
curious about the best strategy to organize objects in buckets i.e. whether
it's a good idea to distribute objects to predefined number of  buckets
(say for instance 256 or 1024 buckets) or it just doesn't matter how many
objects you put in a bucket (i.e. just put all objects in a single bucket).
We have objects of size ranging from 50KB to 10 MB.

You probably want to shard them over many buckets. See http://lists.ceph.com/pipermail/ceph-users-ceph.com/2013-March/000595.html

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