Dnia 2013-09-27, o godz. 15:30:21
Guang <yguan...@yahoo.com> napisaƂ(a):

> Hi ceph-users,
> I recently deployed a ceph cluster with use of *ceph-deploy* utility,
> on RHEL6.4, during the time, I came across a couple of issues /
> questions which I would like to ask for your help.
> 1. ceph-deploy does not help to install dependencies (snappy leveldb
> gdisk python-argparse gperftools-libs) on the target host, so I will
> need to manually install those dependencies before performing
> 'ceph-deploy install {host_name}'. I am investigate the way to deploy
> ceph onto a hundred nodes and it is time-consuming to manually
> install those dependencies manually. Am I missing something here? I
> am thinking the dependency installation should be handled by
> *ceph-deploy* itself.

You might want to use some kind of configuration management system,
like Puppet, for that.

It is not ceph specific (so you can use it for everything) and there are
modules to manage ceph.

It *is* harder to start with than just doing ceph-deploy, but if you
would want to install anything more than only ceph on nodes it is very

Of course, nothing stops you from just using puppet to install deps and
ceph-deploy for all ceph related stuff


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