Georg Höllrigl <georg.hoellrigl@...> writes:

> Hello,
> I'm horribly failing at creating a bucket on radosgw at ceph 0.67.2 
> running on ubuntu 12.04.
> Right now I feel frustrated about radosgw-admin for beeing inconsistent 
> in its options. It's possible to list the buckets and also to delete 
> them but not to create!
> No matter what I tried - using telnet, curl, s3cmd - I'm getting back
> S3Error: 405 (Method Not Allowed)
> I don't see a way to configure this somewhere in apache!?
> Any ideas whats going on here?
> Georg

I faced same issue and I had to switch to python API. It seems like java 
amazon-aws libraries could only be used with some regions override file, 
otherwise available regions are fetched from hardcoded amazon url. Just try 
other lang API. 

PS: There is also a note in Ceph doc (

'The java library does not have a method for generating unsigned URLs, so 
the example below just generates a signed URL'

I need public URLs from Ceph and I'm using python API.

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