Am 30.08.2013 22:09, schrieb Tobias Brunner:
Hi everyone,

Reading through the documentation leads to the conclusion that it's a
best practice to place the journal of an OSD instance to a separate SSD
disk to speed writing up. But if I only use SSD storage (for object
storage and journal) I think it would be applicable to place to journal
onto the same SSD as the objects.
I make an assumption: My server has, let's say, 8 SSD disks. This would
mean I run 8 OSD instances on this server, every OSD instance has the
journal on the same SSD as the objects. If one SSD dies, only this OSD
instance is dead and all others on this server are unaffected.

Am I doing the correct considerations? What are best practices on an SSD
only storage cluster?

Yes, thats correct what i hate at this point is that you lower the ssd speed by writing to journal, reading to journal wirting to ssd. Sadly there is no option to disable the journal. I think for SSD this would be best.

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