On 08/16/2013 10:40 PM, Jeppesen, Nelson wrote:
Hello Ceph-users,
Running dumping (upgraded yesterday) and several hours after the upgrade the
following type of message repeated over and over in logs. Started about 8 hours
1 mon.1@0(leader).paxos(paxos active c 6005920..6006535) is_readable
now=2013-08-16 14:35:53.351282 lease_expire=2013-08-16 14:35:58.245728 has v0
lc 6006535
Only monitor settings I have in ceph.conf besides host and host_addr:
mon cluster log to syslog = false
mon cluster log file = none
Can I safely ignore them? Thanks.
Hello Nelson,
I remember this message being outputted at this level for as far as I
can remember. At least in cuttlefish it ought to be at this level already.
However, we did increase the default paxos debug level to 1 last July
(commit:f7d1902cc), in order to be more verbose about things that could
lead to elections. Prior to this patch, the default level was 0 (pretty
much no debug messages at all); now we do output a selected few, that
being amongst them.
If you do not wish to see them, set 'debug paxos = 0' on your config file.
Besides taking up log space, those messages are completely harmless :-)
Joao Eduardo Luis
Software Engineer | http://inktank.com | http://ceph.com
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